Mehreena Aziz Khan “The Library Project”
If you haven’t been to the library in F-9 Park in Islamabad, you must plan a visit with your children. It is an amazing project initiated by Mehreena Aziz Khan, called “The Library Project“. The purpose of the project is not only the revival of libraries in Pakistan but also includes:
- Community events such as seminars, workshops, skill-building, art classes, writer meetups
- Kids and youth activities such as storytelling, essay competitions, drama clubs
- Senior citizens like book clubs, hobby groups
The project also holds “ISLOO SWAP & READ” sessions at a local Café, The Red Door, F-8 Markaz.
Special Corner for Children
In today’s era children are mesmerized by fancy toys and electronic devices. Hence, going to a library may not be the ideal way to spend the weekend for an 8-year-old. However, if you yourself are a reader and encourage the same in your child, you might get them to visit a library!
The founders of “The Library Project” are aware of this and have made a special corner to attract children. Different storytelling sessions are held in order to put life into a story. Keeping children engaged in such healthy activities is very important as children are moving away from them and are more inclined towards technology-driven play and games.
The project has taken the initiative of restoring nine libraries in the capital via different events where the main aim is to make reading a fun activity for children. According to a research, if you simply organize a shelf full of books at your home, it can raise the IQ level of children.
Reading is a habit that starts from home; as a parent, if you are reading yourself, children will also follow the lead.
According to Mehreena,
If the children associate libraries with fun and colorful events, where they can sing and interact and even have audiovisual elements such as cartoons and digital things which is a reality of today, the love for reading will automatically develop.
Different Events
Tamania, a Pakistani-Canadian blogger and Nigar Nazar, Pakistan’s first female cartoonist, made a profound impact by displaying their talents in a recent event held at the Quaid Public Library, F-9 Park, Islamabad, by The Library Project. If you are in Islamabad, do visit this place.
Something to pounder on!
Reading has proved to be an essential element in building character and thus a strong society. It opens up the mind as we gain knowledge about people, places, cultures, new ideas, etc. Reading books enables us to gain a variety of perspectives and be more tolerant of diverging opinions. In 2019 a survey was conducted by Gallup and Gillani Foundation Pakistan. It concluded that 75% of students in the country do not read books other than their course books. What a pity!

Educationist, researcher, writer and a passionate learner from Islamabad. She has been working as a freelance writer for more than 10 years now. From academic to content writing. Finally, she is doing what she loves; writing for education. You can reach her at editors@educations.pk