Google is providing 10 ten AI courses free to its users

Google is providing 10 ten AI courses free to its users

We are entering a new era of creativity and innovation with the quick emergence of generative AI. Acknowledging the necessity for proficient personnel to manoeuvre through this dynamic terrain, Google has initiated an array of complimentary courses designed to provide individuals with the requisite cognizance and proficiencies in generative AI. This initiative has been emphasised by Mirasys India, which has drawn attention to how it could affect many industries as well as how we engage with technology.

Ten thorough courses are part of Google’s new educational initiative, which aims to give students a strong foundation in generative AI and its applications. Through Google Cloud Skills Boost, prospective students can sign up for these courses at no cost. The following summarises the contents of each course:

  1. Introduction to Large Language Models (LLM): Students study big language models, applications for them, and the benefits of prompt adjustment for improved LLM performance. The training takes roughly 45 minutes to finish and covers pertinent Google tools as well.
  2. Introduction to Responsible AI: This course addresses Google’s seven AI principles, their implementation, and the significance of responsible AI.
  3. Generative AI Fundamentals This programme, which combines the preceding three courses, awards a skill badge for passing the final exam and proving a basic grasp of generative AI.
  4. Attention Mechanism: The attention mechanism is a technique that improves neural networks’ performance in tasks like machine translation by having them focus on particular segments of an input sequence. This course explains how it works.
  5. Introduction to Image Generation: Diffusion models, which are widely used in picture formation, are introduced in this course. It goes over how to train and use these models on Vertex AI as well as the theory underlying them.
  6. Encoder-Decoder Architecture: An overview of the encoder-decoder architecture—which is useful for tasks like text summarization and machine translation—is given to learners. A TensorFlow lab is included in the course for hands-on application.
  7. Create Image Captioning Models: This course explains the components of the encoder and decoder, how to train and assess the model, and how to create image captioning models using deep learning.
  8. Introduction to Generative AI: The fundamentals of generative AI, its distinctions from conventional machine learning techniques, and Google tools for creating generative AI applications are all covered in this course. The course lasts for around forty-five minutes.
  9. Transformer Models and BERT Model: The BERT model and its components, such as the self-attention mechanism, are explained to participants, along with how they are used in tasks like text classification.
  10. Introduction to Generative AI Studio: This course introduces Generative AI Studio on Vertex AI, which helps prototype and customize generative AI models. The course includes demos and a quiz to test knowledge.

With this programme, Google is demonstrating its dedication to developing the next generation of AI expertise. Participants who successfully finish the courses are awarded a “Completion Badge” by Google Cloud, which attests to their mastery of generative AI.

Those who are keen to explore the field of artificial intelligence have a great opportunity with these courses. With the right resources and information, students may set off on an exciting adventure that will advance the innovation and creativity that generative AI promises while also contributing to the revolution in AI.