Seminar and Walk on Kashmir Exploitation Day at Khyber Medical University Peshawar

Seminar and Walk on Kashmir Exploitation Day at Khyber Medical University Peshawar

Khyber Medical University (KMU) Peshawar organized a seminar and walk to commemorate Kashmir Exploitation Day, with a large number of students and faculty members participating. Students presented sketches and sang patriotic songs to highlight the atrocities committed by India against Kashmiris and the indifference of the international community. On this occasion, the University’s Chief Proctor, Dr. Haji Bahadur, emphasized that for the past 76 years, Kashmiris have been writing a new chapter in the history of freedom with their blood.

He said that the purpose of observing Kashmir Exploitation Day across the country today is to bring the voice of Kashmiris to the world through the media. He stated that this message will make it clear to the world that the Pakistani people stand with the Kashmiris, and it will awaken the conscience of the international community.

He reiterated that the purpose of observing Kashmir Exploitation Day is to inform both Kashmiris and the global community that Pakistan stands with Kashmiris and will never leave them alone in their struggle.

He appreciated the performance of KMU students and expressed hope that they would continue to support their Kashmiri brothers until the very end. Meanwhile, Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Zia ul Haq, in his message, said that Pakistan will continue its unwavering support for Kashmir until the Kashmiris achieve their right to self-determination.