Beauty Education; The Future of modern Aesthetics Education

Beauty Education; The Future of modern Aesthetics Education

With the goal of redefining the beauty business in Islamabad, Estheticare and Pivot Point Academy have partnered to house these two prestigious institutions under one roof. In the quest for excellence in beauty education, this partnership represents a critical turning point toward the goal of empowering both enthusiasts and aspiring professionals.

The vision of Dr. Uzair Khan, the creator of Estheticare, and the well-known skill of Irum Khan, a mainstay in Islamabad’s beauty scene, are at the core of this collaboration. Irum Khan’s persistent devotion to promoting beauty education and innovation is perfectly complemented by Dr. Uzair Khan’s passion for offering state-of-the-art aesthetic solutions.

The hub of this partnership is Pivot Point Academy, which is located inside the prestigious Irum Khan Salon and provides a thorough curriculum covering many different beauty disciplines. Students at the school will have the opportunity to learn from professionals in the field in everything from skincare and hair styling to makeup and business administration.

Irum Khan is a trailblazing educator, cosmetologist, and CEO with over 20 years of expertise. She has a great reputation in the field thanks to her unwavering drive for excellence and dedication to pushing limits. As the CEO of Irum Khan Studio and Academy, she has developed her own abilities while also serving as a mentor to a new generation of beauty professionals, teaching them the importance of excellence and creativity.

In addition to highlighting the value of high-quality education, Estheticare and Pivot Point’s alliance opens the door for further breakthroughs and partnerships in the beauty sector. Dr. Uzair Khan and Irum Khan have the knowledge and enthusiasm to completely transform beauty education in Islamabad and beyond.