Sometimes after selecting your graduation level subjects, you may feel you did not make the right decision. Don’t panic, you can still change your path. Take a break and...
How do you want to see yourself 5 to 10 years from now? What do you enjoy doing? Who has inspired you? All these questions and more can help...
Once again school education is being ignored by almost all political parties. There is great emphasis on educating the youth and empowering them but no mention of early education....
When looking for schools in Islamabad, you will find a great variety. From private to public, from matriculation to O Levels, from affordable to expensive, there are many schools...
Are your child’s teachers simply teaching or are they making a marked difference in your child’s life? As a school do you think your teachers are teaching beyond the...
If you are a student and looking for a software for plagiarism checking, look no further. The article offers the comparison of a number of software available online for...
Pakistan’s youth is growing at a fast pace. The numbers are alarming in the light of issues like poverty, lack of quality education and jobs in the country. A...
The summer vacation fee dilemma continues as it reaches all parts of Pakistan. With reference to our previous blog “Summer Vacation Fees: To Pay or Not to Pay?” the...
To fast or not to fast during exams……something that parents are concerned about when it comes to deciding between their child’s health, education and the holy month of Ramadan....
Whether you wish to remain connected with friends, family or work, Whatsapp is the most popular means of keeping in contact free of cost. Are schools in Pakistan making...