CM Punjab Unveils Project for Smart Classrooms

CM Punjab Unveils Project for Smart Classrooms

The AI-powered “Smart Classroom Project” was officially launched at Government Kinnaird Girls High School on Empress Road by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz. According to a press statement from Huawei on Monday, this innovative project, created in collaboration with Huawei, represents a major improvement in Punjab’s educational system by incorporating cutting-edge technology into classrooms.

With the help of cutting-edge technology like cameras that record lectures, students will be able to examine and interact with the material even after class. The goal of this project is to raise educational standards while enhancing accessibility and interactivity.

Huawei has demonstrated its significant commitment to supporting educational innovation through its major funding of this project. Punjab is raising the bar for technological integration in schools and academic achievement by implementing Huawei’s cutting-edge technology.

Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz underlined the project’s significance while touring the Huawei Smart Classrooms, saying, “We are committed to giving every kid in Punjab access to a top-notch education, and integrating Huawei technology into our classrooms underlines that commitment. Our goal is to bring all public schools up to the level of the finest private ones.

This program is a component of Punjab’s larger plan to develop its IT sector and position the province as a centre for technical innovation. The government’s goal of utilising technology to develop talent and propel economic growth is in line with the Smart Classroom Project.

Important personalities that highlighted the teamwork that made this endeavour possible included Provincial Education Minister Rana Sikandar Hayat and Parliamentary Secretary for School Education Nosheen Adnan.

By working together, Huawei and the Punjab government are improving education and giving students the skills they need to thrive in the digital era.