CM Punjab Gives Teachers and Students a Share of Rs. 58.6 Million

CM Punjab Gives Teachers and Students a Share of Rs. 58.6 Million

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz honoured students who have excelled academically and given honour to the country at a special ceremony held at the Chief Minister’s House.

The purpose of the occasion was to honour Punjab’s best performers. In celebration of 138 outstanding children and their teachers from nine educational boards in Punjab, Maryam Nawaz gave cash awards totalling Rs. 58.6 million as well as certificates of honour.

The chief minister unveiled a significant scholarship programme with a Rs25 billion budget. Additionally, she reinstated the laptop program, which aims to give pupils access to necessary academic materials.

A Punjab Police force presented pupils with a guard of honour in a poignant demonstration, giving the event a more formal feel. With enthusiastic acclaim, the students welcomed Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz.

During her speech, Nawaz disclosed that she had never been so emotional—not even during her hardships and court cases—as she saw the guard of honour. She went on to say that her tears were caused by the pupils’ accomplishments and her own sense of pride.

She also declared that 61 buses would be distributed to tehsils who do not currently have access to transit.