Textbook reforms are ordered by CM Sindh just days before classes resume.

Textbook reforms are ordered by CM Sindh just days before classes resume.

Prior to the reopening of schools in Sindh on August 15, Chief Minister (CM) Syed Murad Ali Shah of Sindh instructed the education department to make sure that 4,453,686 textbooks are distributed by August 14. He underlined the significance of raising educational quality and expanding student enrolment during a meeting at the CM House.

Murad Ali Shah, the chief minister of Sindh, emphasised during the meeting how important it is for schools to get ready for the new school year. This includes distributing textbooks and putting in place a thorough academic plan that includes mock and preliminary exams. He said, “The school education department must enhance enrollment by bringing out-of-school children to school and introduce a school inspection system to check teaching and learning methods.”

The minister of education gave a thorough rundown of Sindh’s educational system. There are 40,991 schools in the province: 1,051 elementary schools, 1,670 secondary schools, 36,203 primary schools, 15,575 middle schools, and 492 higher secondary schools. There are 160,473 teachers in the workforce, 53,051 women and 107,550 men. There are 5,236,307 students enrolled in total, consisting of 2,154,611 girls and 3,081,696 boys.

The lack of communication and teaching skills among many teachers was a major topic of discussion. It was suggested that in order for teachers to continue in their jobs, they should have to pass a teaching exam every five years.

In an effort to raise educational standards, CM Shah oversaw the implementation of an inspection system. He underlined that in order to rectify inadequacies, officials must visit schools, evaluate the methods of instruction, and submit inspection reports.

The minister of education emphasised the need for 19,808 schools to be renovated. CM Shah stated that a three-year plan had been developed to renovate the remaining damaged school buildings, and that 4,206 school buildings had been placed in the Annual Development Programme (ADP) for restoration. In addition, buildings for 5,159 schools without shelters had to be provided.

The minister of education further stated that 36,203 primary schools are now being upgraded to post-primary status. 1,239 elementary schools have had upgrades thus far.

The CM was notified by the education minister that inspection committees had been established to guarantee that a ten percent freeship was implemented in private schools. More than fifty schools have had their registration and renewal denied because they did not follow this regulation. The directorate level has formed a complaint-redressal centre, and private schools have received directives to conduct language courses, including Sindhi and Urdu.

The CM gave the education department instructions to start public awareness campaigns on the availability of freeship policies on media outlets, social media, and the official website. Letters and circulars will be sent to every school under private management.

The Sindh Textbook Board Chairman Aleem Lashari, Education Secretary Zahid Abbasi, College Secretary Asif Ikram, Finance Secretary Fayaz Jatoi, Education Minister Syed Sardar Shah, MPA Seema Khurram, Chief Secretary Asif Hyder Shah, and Principal Secretary to CM Agha Wasif were present at the meeting.