University of Sargodha’s 12-Member Delegation Returns Home After Visit to China

University of Sargodha’s 12-Member Delegation Returns Home After Visit to China

A 12-member delegation from the University of Sargodha, led by Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. Qaiser Abbas, has returned home after a successful academic and research visit to China. The purpose of the visit was to collaborate with various Chinese universities, engage in investments with different companies, exchange information in education, research, construction, technology, and agriculture, and initiate new projects.

Under the agreements, various companies will invest in collaboration with Sargodha University and establish new centers. In this regard, faculty, experts, and directors from various departments of Sargodha University visited Hunan Normal University with Vice-Chancellor Dr. Qaiser Abbas and explored different departments at the Life Sciences Museum.

During a meeting with the university’s president and board of directors, special discussions were held regarding the faculty exchange program.

The delegation from the University of Sargodha also visited Huabei Normal University, where Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. Mian Ghulam Yasin and Director of External Linkages Professor Dr. Ijaz Asghar Bhatti provided a special briefing about the university. On this occasion, three mutual memorandums of understanding were signed for various academic projects. The delegation also toured the university’s educational, research, and construction departments and met with faculty and students.

During this period, the delegation also met with members of the China International Association for Science and Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Similarly, they had bilateral meetings with the China Academy of Agriculture and visited various agricultural projects, including the National Agriculture Technology Innovation Park, the National Crab Gene Bank, the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, and the China Agriculture University. The aim was to learn about modern agriculture and initiate new agricultural projects in Pakistan.