Punjab Announces Rs. 42.5 Billion for School Education in the Budget 2024–2025

Punjab Announces Rs. 42.5 Billion for School Education in the Budget 2024–2025

For the fiscal year 2024–2025, the Punjab government proposed a comprehensive budget for the school education department of Rs42.5 billion. This substantial funding is intended to be used in a number of development projects and programmes that will raise the standard of education.

The budget places a strong emphasis on finishing off ongoing development projects, allocating Rs 6.87 billion to make sure they are finished on schedule. An extra sum of Rs 2.6 million has been set aside for the improvement of schools in Punjab.

The Chief Minister has allocated Rs 500 million for a school meal programme in order to address student nutrition. The goal of this programme is to raise the nutritional requirements for pupils throughout the province.

Also set aside for new development projects aimed at fortifying the educational system is Rs 13.76 billion. This involves significant investment for a range of initiatives meant to improve the infrastructure of education as a whole.

In order to support alternative educational models, schools operating under public-private partnerships would receive funding from Rs 2.62 billion, while Rs 5.5 billion has been set up for school outsourcing.

For the duration of its operations, the Danish School Authority, which oversees a network of model schools, would be paid Rs 2.5 billion.

An additional Rs 1.83 billion has been set up for afternoon schools, which would give children more opportunity for extended learning outside regular school hours. An amount of Rs 28 crore has been set aside for the management of current court cases related to legal concerns within the education sector.

In addition, Rs 13.7 million has been set aside for the Children’s Library Complex in Lahore to be completely operationalized. This facility will provide better resources and learning materials.