Lahore witnesses the start of a crackdown on unlicensed schools and academies.
The Lahore District Education Authority has begun to crack down on unregistered schools and academies that are operating throughout the provincial capital.
District Education Officers (DEOs), Deputy District Education Officers (DDEOs), and Assistant Education Officers (AEOs) oversaw the many committees that the authority established.
The Deputy District Education Officers will oversee the committee that was established to keep an eye on private schools and academies.
A committee headed by assistant education officers would review the data of all private schools and academies that received tuition under Rs 4,000.
All academies and schools that are not yet registered will be invited to register right away. If the failure occurs, the related academy and school will be closed right away.
These monitoring committees will look at the institution’s registration process, building fitness, and fee schedule.
These committees will also inspect the educational institution’s security, CCTV cameras, and walls that are eight feet high. The institution will receive certificates in the A, A+, B, and C categories from monitoring officials.
Schools and academies that disobey the instructions of monitoring officials may face severe fines.
A notice for stringent oversight of the city’s schools and academies has already been sent out by the School Education Department.

Content writer, educationist, teacher, researcher, social media manager, and a SEO manager from lahore. She has been working as a freelance academic and non-academic writer for more than 20 years now. She has a passion to learn new things and has a knack for writing and she combines both things to produce write ups she pours her heart out in.