The NAVTTC-NUST Agreement to Provide Youth with Future-Ready Technological Skills is Endorsed by the Federal Minister

The NAVTTC-NUST Agreement to Provide Youth with Future-Ready Technological Skills is Endorsed by the Federal Minister

The National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) and the National Vocational & Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) have inked a historic Joint Venture Agreement that is in line with the Prime Minister of Pakistan’s vision to utilise the potential of the nation’s developing youth for economic growth. The deal was officially signed today at the NAVTTC offices in Islamabad. Its goal is to offer specialised training in chip design and manufacture.

The training program is aimed to give young Pakistanis advanced technical skills that are in high demand both domestically and internationally. It is scheduled to run in two cohorts, each lasting five months.
The Honourable Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, Minister of Federal Education, was present at the signing event and stressed the value of technology training in helping Pakistan’s youth reach their full potential. He declared, “Our key to taking advantage of the youth bulge and an ageing global population is technological training.” Scientists believe that there will be a significant technology revolution in the world during the next two to three decades. It is our duty to see to it that the talents our children acquire are those that will be most useful in the future. I’m happy to see this.

Federal Secretary Mr. Mohyuddin Ahmad Wani, who was present at the occasion, praised NUST and NAVTTC for starting this innovative initiative. He said, “We look forward to this program’s successful implementation and possible expansion throughout Pakistan.”
Mr. Aamir Jan, Executive Director of NAVTTC, emphasised the organization’s dedication to staying abreast of technology improvements in his welcome speech. At NAVTTC, we recognise how crucial it is to train our personnel in crafts that are in high demand both locally and globally, as well as to quickly adjust to fast evolving technologies. This project represents a major advancement in the direction of more specialised technical training, as opposed to traditional training programs.

“This program brings together the strengths of two very viable institutions in Pakistan, marking an important milestone in our transition towards meeting the global shift in demand for advanced technological skills,” said NUST Rector Engr Javed Mahmood Bukhari when discussing the significance of this collaboration. This collaboration is evidence of Pakistan’s promising future.

Mr. Aamir Jan went on to say that the program promises a 200% return on the initial investment, further highlighting its potential impact and value. It also offers high employability internationally.
After the signing ceremony, Mr. Aamir Jan gave the Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training an extensive presentation outlining all of NAVTTC’s initiatives and projects. The Honourable Minister conveyed his gratitude for NAVTTC’s leadership and efforts.

“To accomplish its aims and position itself as a global leader, Pakistan must have access to modern education and training. I am confident that we are headed in the correct direction to leave our mark on the contemporary world because of NAVTTC’s commitment to this goal,” he said.