Significant Increase in MDCAT Fee for MBBS and BDS Announced by PMDC

Significant Increase in MDCAT Fee for MBBS and BDS Announced by PMDC

The cost of entrance exams for MBBS and BDS programs has increased by 33%, according to the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC).

The MDCAT (Medical and Dental College Admission Test) now costs Rs8,000 instead of Rs6,000.
It is anticipated that over 200,000 applicants from all over the nation would take the MDCAT this year. It is anticipated by PMDC that registration fees will bring in about Rs1.6 billion. For overseas students taking part in the MDCAT, there will be a registration fee of Rs40,000.

The MDCAT registration period opens today, and the test will take place nationwide on September 22nd, including in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Parents and students have responded to the fee increase in different ways; some are worried about the financial strain it will put on prospective medical and dentistry students. PMDC officials maintain that the fee change is required to offset the growing expenses associated with both administering the exam and guaranteeing its integrity and quality, notwithstanding the rise.