Drs. Sarosh Lodhi and Samreen Hussain are competing to be the chairman of the HEC.
Dr. Samreen Hussain and Sarosh Lodhi, two well-known educationists in the nation, are being considered for the role of acting chairperson of the Higher Education Commission (HEC).
The position of Federal Chairman of HEC, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, is vacant as of six days ago. It has not yet been decided who would be appointed as the acting chairman.
Dr. Sarosh Lodi holds the position of Vice-Chancellor in NED University of Engineering and Technology in Karachi, whereas in Dawood University of Engineering and Technology, Dr. Samreen Hussain holds the same position.
Doctor Sarosh Lodi’s profile
Since March 2017, Dr. Sarosh Hashmat Lodi has served as the Vice-Chancellor of NED University of Engineering & Technology. He had been the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture at NED since 2010, before taking on the role of Vice-Chancellor. additionally functioned as the Department of Civil Engineering Chairman from 2003 to 2010.
In 1998–2005, he had the privilege of serving as the first Management Representative for ISO 9000, during which time he created a quality assurance system specifically for higher education. In 2002, NED institution became the first public sector institution in Pakistan to obtain ISO 9000 – 2000 certification thanks to its quality assurance system. The Higher Education Commission now uses this system as a standard for all Pakistani universities.
He earned a Master’s degree in Structural Engineering from Oregon State University in the United States in 1988 after graduating with a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) in 1985. He had the privilege of receiving a Central Overseas Scholarship in 1994 to study for a Ph.D. in structural engineering at Herriot-Watt University in the UK, which he received in 1998.
He was chosen by the university in 2005 to attend Pakistan Administrative Staff College in Lahore for administrative training, and he finished the 82nd National Management Course with success. In 2002, the Higher Education Commission granted him the Best University Teacher Award, and from 1995 to 1997, the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals, UK, presented him with the Overseas Research Student Award.
In addition to co-authoring a book on earthquakes, Dr. Lodi’s research has been well-published in peer-reviewed international journals and presented at numerous national and international conferences. The university acknowledged his research contribution and awarded him the Gold Medal by the NED University Teachers’ Association and the Research Excellence Award by the NED University Syndicate in November 2016.
He is credited with being a pioneer in the creation of EU-funded student exchange programs for NED University students, including the Eurasian University Network for the International Cooperation on Environmental Risks in 2010 and Erasmus Mundus Mobility with Asia – EMMA in 2008.
In addition, he held two consecutive terms as an elected member of the Pakistan Engineering Council’s Governing Body and the Central Council of the Institution of Engineers, Pakistan. In2015, the Institution of Engineering Pakistan granted him a fellowship in appreciation of his work. Dr. Sarosh Hashmat Lodi received the 2019 Presidential Award for Pride of Performance in March in honour of his contributions to the field of education, notably in the area of civil engineering.
Doctor Samreen Hussain’s profile
Profusely Producing is Dr. Samreen Hussain. an engineer in electronics. Elected Member of Pakistan Engineering Council’s Board of Governors. As Deputy Convener of the Engineering Accreditation Board, Convener of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Committee, and a member of the PEC think tank, she is the youngest and first female engineer.
The Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro is where Dr. Samreen received her degree. She graduated from MUET, Jamshoro with a Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering.
She has published 40 research publications in international journals and conferences over her career as a researcher. She also graduated from the USA’s MIT CPE Salon program.
Professor Dr. Samreen Hussain was the Aror University of Art, Architecture, Design & Heritage’s Vice Chancellor (Acting). She also held the position of Deputy Chief of Party for the USAID/Pakistan HESSA project, for which she was highly commended for her efforts in getting it up and running.
She has worked with ZU, Humdard University, SUPARCO, National University FAST, and Sir Syed University. Her accomplishments at Dawood University are noteworthy because she held numerous portfolios, including those of Chairperson of the Electronic Engineering Department, Director of IT, DILAA, and Project Director of Dawood UET Strengthening, totalling 579 million dollars.
For her contributions at DUET, she received the Best Performance Award. She founded the Faculty of Engineering, Science, and Technology at Ziauddin University, and in January 2018, the university’s Education City site was launched in record time.
For her contributions at DUET, she received the Best Performance Award. She founded the Faculty of Engineering, Science, and Technology at Ziauddin University, and in January 2018, the university’s Education City campus was launched in record time. She effectively started three postgraduate and eleven undergraduate programs within the faculty.
Additionally, she served as the only principal investigator for a $58 million associated lab of the National Centre for Big Data & Cloud Computing. In 2014, Prof. Dr. Samreen Hussain organised the first-ever job fair via the PEC platform. She has been actively involved in HEC and PEC forums.
Commission on Higher Education (HEC)
Under the direction of Atta-ur-Rahman, the federal government constituted the Higher Education Commission (HEC), a statutory entity, in 2002.
Its primary responsibilities include providing funds, supervising, regulating, and certifying the nation’s higher education institutions.
From October 2002 to October 2008, there was Atta-ur-Rahman; from August 2009 to August 2013 there was Javaid Laghari; from November 2013 to April 2014 there was Syed Imtiaz Hussain Gilani (acting chairman); from April 2014 to April 2018 there was Mukhtar Ahmed; from May 2018 to May 2022 there was Tariq Banuri; and from August 1, 2022 to August 1, 2024 there was Mukhtar Ahmed.

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