The federal government ends the Saturday holiday in colleges and schools.

The federal government ends the Saturday holiday in colleges and schools.

Effective August 10, the Ministry of Education has stated that Saturday holidays will no longer be observed in Islamabad’s institutions and schools. This decision, which was made public through an official announcement, is intended to improve student assistance and the educational process.

Saturdays will now be used to concentrate on students who require more support in a variety of topics. The goal of the Ministry’s decision to use Saturdays is to give students who most need it targeted academic support. The letter states that Saturdays will henceforth be used to support students who are having difficulty in a variety of courses. This focused strategy aims to guarantee that less successful students have the support and resources they need to raise their level of academic achievement.

Saturdays will be utilised to plan a range of extracurricular activities for students in addition to academic support. With an emphasis on skill development outside of the traditional classroom, these activities aim to promote a well-rounded educational experience. Activities that encourage physical health, creativity, teamwork, and other critical life skills will be planned and carried out in schools.

The Secretary of Federal Education and Professional Training’s instructions were followed in making this judgement. The Ministry wants to make the most of Saturdays in order to improve the quality of education in general and make sure that students are well-supported in their extracurricular and academic endeavours.

According to the notification that was sent out, the new timetable will take effect on August 10. It is expected that all Islamabadi schools will modify their schedules to reflect these modifications.