Primary Schools in Islamabad Will Soon Use Solar Energy as Electricity Source

Primary Schools in Islamabad Will Soon Use Solar Energy as Electricity Source

The Federal Ministry of Education has made public plans to convert Islamabad’s elementary schools to solar power.

Within the next two months, solar power systems will be installed in every elementary school in the capital, a ministry official stated.

According to the spokeswoman, the school solar power project is anticipated to be completed by year’s end. The initiative’s goal is to advance economical and environmentally friendly energy options.

In addition to lowering electricity costs, the initiative will provide schools with a sustainable and clean energy source. To accomplish these aims, solar panels will be mounted on the roofs of specific schools.

The representative went on to say that the federal capital’s improved educational facilities will receive funding from the solar project’s savings. It is important to note that in an effort to encourage the use of renewable energy sources, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif recently declared that no additional taxes would be levied on solar panels.

He declared during the federal cabinet meeting that the government of Pakistan is dedicated to offering all of its inhabitants access to reasonably priced, green solar energy.