Microsoft and HEC Partner to Strengthen Upcoming Tech Leaders

Microsoft and HEC Partner to Strengthen Upcoming Tech Leaders

On Thursday, May 30, 2024, Microsoft Pakistan organised a vibrant event titled “Bridging the Academia-Industry Gap,” which brought together prominent people from academia and industry. The event, which took place in the Auditorium at HEC Headquarters in Islamabad, was centred around encouraging teamwork and giving graduates the tools they need to succeed in the contemporary workforce.

Dr. Zia Ul-Qayyum, Executive Director of the Higher Education Commission, gave a welcome speech to kick off the event. Microsoft’s Director of Education Industry, Central Europe, Middle East, and Africa then gave a keynote talk. Hill, Jaye Richards. Underscoring the significance of this partnership, Jaye Richards Hill said, “At Microsoft, we believe that technology can be a powerful bridge between academia and industry. By equipping students with the latest tools and technologies, and fostering collaboration with industry leaders, we can prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow.”

Mr. Jibran Jamshad spoke to the audience on Microsoft’s most recent AI products. Mr. Jibran Jamshad cited data from a recent World Talent Initiative poll that depicts an artificially intelligent (AI)-driven workplace that is evolving quickly.

According to the report, there has been a notable surge in the adoption of AI, as 75% of knowledge workers now include AI tools into their everyday operations. It’s interesting to note that almost half (46%) said they have adopted these tools in the previous six months, indicating a sharp increase in the use of AI.

Notwithstanding early concerns about AI taking jobs away, the poll also revealed a talent deficit in cybersecurity, engineering, and design. In order to remain competitive, employers are now giving AI capabilities top priority when hiring, while employees are actively upskilling themselves using tools like LinkedIn Learning.

LinkedIn has unveiled a new AI skilling platform for businesses, providing more than 50 free learning opportunities for workers to advance their AI knowledge. This implies that, for individuals who are ready to adjust, AI is opening up new chances.

With a showcase by Team Sign Saathi, a group of GIKI students whose idea advanced to the Imagine Cup global semi-finals, creativity and ingenuity were on full display. Dignitaries were shown the top Imagine Cup projects.

The Honourable Chief Guest, Mr. Rana Mashhood Ahmad Khan, Chairman of the Prime Minister Youth Programme, and Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman of the Higher Education Commission, both made remarks during the ceremony.

Mr. Rana Mashhood highlighted how important technology is to giving Pakistan’s youth more power, saying, “Equipping our graduates with the latest technological skills is paramount to ensuring their success in the competitive global landscape. Events like this pave the way for a more collaborative and future-proof education system. A big kudos to Microsoft for organizing these events.”

At the event, Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft Learn for Educators, and Microsoft for Startups – Founders Hub were launched in front of esteemed vice chancellors of higher education institutions (HEIs), marking a momentous occasion. Microsoft’s commitment to empowering the next generation of tech professionals and assisting Pakistani academic institutions is demonstrated by this effort.

A networking session at the end of the programme strengthened the ties between academics and business executives.