Rs1.2b sought for education projects in Pakistan

Rs1.2b sought for education projects in Pakistan

The Rawalpindi Directorate of Colleges has formally asked authorization and financial support for new projects in response to the urgent problem of college admissions.

With this change, two improved institutions and four newly proposed colleges in the area will be able to provide four-year BS programs.

Significant financing, amounting to Rs 1.2 billion, has been requested for the important projects that have been approved for inclusion in the annual development program (ADP) for 2023–2024. Unfortunately, the project’s implementation was hampered in August 2023 when the now-defunct caretaker administration withdrew the money.

Government Associate Girls College Rakh Sarkar Rawalpindi Rs200 million, Government Associate Boys College Karor Kotli Sattian Rs200 million, Government Associate Girls College Murree Rs200 million, and Government Associate Boys College Kuntrila Gujar Khan Rs300 million are the estimated construction costs.

Furthermore, an estimated Rs180 million would be spent on the new BS block at improved colleges, such as Government Associate College Kallar Syedan, and Government Associate Girls College Gujar Khan.

Urgent approval from the Punjab Higher Education Commission has been requested in order to accelerate the process. The new BS block construction is expected to be completed in 120 days, which corresponds with plans to start fresh admissions for the following August-September session.

Sher Ahmad Satti, Director of Colleges, emphasized that there is no college scarcity in Rawalpindi itself. Rather, the emphasis is on the tehsils in the district that do not currently have enough educational facilities.

In addition to adding more colleges to these tehsils, the objective is to improve the ability to accept new students for the forthcoming academic year. By giving more people in the district access to education, this calculated action seeks to alleviate the current admissions crisis.