Matric exams to be taken in English medium only; decides All Punjab Educational Boards.
Every school board in Punjab has agreed to use English as the medium of instruction for the matriculation exams in science and the arts. Details indicate that the option to answer in Urdu on question papers would be removed. The revised guidelines will go into effect in 2025. Furthermore, all optional subjects for the FA exams will be administered in English starting in 2026. The meeting of the Punjab Boards Committee Chairmen (PBCC) will officially approve the new policy. Additionally, the Punjab Teachers Union’s general secretary, Rana Liaqat Ali, raised concern about the new policy’s potential effects. He said that the language barrier will cause thousands of pupils to fail under the new approach. “Taking the test in English will lower literacy levels, training should be provided to the teachers before taking the exam.” He further said.

Content writer, educationist, teacher, researcher, social media manager, and a SEO manager from lahore. She has been working as a freelance academic and non-academic writer for more than 20 years now. She has a passion to learn new things and has a knack for writing and she combines both things to produce write ups she pours her heart out in.