Madad Ali Sindhi meets with a delegation from the Punjab Chamber of Education, led by its president, Mr. Haji Ashfaq Ahmed Warrach.
The delegation from Punjab Chamber of education was greeted by Madad Ali Sindhi, who also mentioned the Pakistan Chamber of Education‘s significant contribution to closing the gap between public and private education. According to him, the Punjab Chamber of Education has been instrumental in reducing the number of children who are not in school. He noted that these recommendations will be sent to the provinces in the upcoming IPEMC and welcomed the PCE’s positive feedback.
The issue of unplanned holidays in the provinces, which has resulted in fewer school days for academic purposes, was brought to Madad Ali Sindhi’s attention. He was informed that in order to address the effects of climate change, the academic calendar had to be updated. The minister was informed that different places are experiencing different effects from climate change. For instance, the Gujranwala and Lahore districts are close to the smog-affected areas. Therefore, the province as a whole shouldn’t be closed due to the fog and smog in these locations. In a similar vein, Madad Ali was informed that the annual differences in academic days between provinces are unfair. It was stated that there should be consistency in this. In addition, PEC emphasized the importance of teacher preparation and extended their services to the government.
According to PEC, there can be a decrease in the number of out-of-school children through public-private partnerships. PEC also offered its services to the Federal Government in this area. According to Madad, these recommendations are good, and the provinces ought to concentrate on putting them into practice. According to Madad, it is critical that laws be written to ensure that all private institutions are taken into account. He stated that high-end and low-end private institutions shouldn’t be subject to the same policies.

Content writer, educationist, teacher, researcher, social media manager, and a SEO manager from lahore. She has been working as a freelance academic and non-academic writer for more than 20 years now. She has a passion to learn new things and has a knack for writing and she combines both things to produce write ups she pours her heart out in.