LHC Makes a Significant Decision Regarding the Functioning of Schools and Colleges

LHC Makes a Significant Decision Regarding the Functioning of Schools and Colleges

Smog and air pollution has reached a dangerous level in Lahore. People specially children and the elderly are suffering from skin and eye infections as well as lung problems like soar throats, cough and other respiratory problems. To combat haze and air pollution, the Lahore High Court has ordered that gardens should be installed on school and college rooftops. The increase in greenery would help to combat this problem in Lahore. After a prior hearing, Justice Shahid Karim gave this directive in a written ruling.

The court has ordered that this ruling has to be followed and has asked for updates on the initiative’s progress. A criminal complaint brought by the Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) against employees of Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO) for felling trees was brought before the court in a related case. In retaliation for LESCO workers felling trees, this lawsuit was filed.

A Judicial Commission investigation was made that revealed 114 units had broken environmental rules. The study states that 24 industrial units are still shut due to their non-compliance with environmental regulations, out of the 89 industrial units that have presented affidavits. The Lahore High Court’s action is a component of larger initiatives to address environmental problems in the area.

Lets hope and work together for a better and safe environment, plant trees and make Pakistan Greener so that we can make it a better place with a clean environment for the generations to come.

Long Live Pakistan.