Ads that have the “WOW” factor
Advertising has great power to influence its target audiences. Some ads can take your attention immediately while others will grow on you over time.
Every individual has different set of needs. Marketing strategists have to put in a lot of effort in finding out what their target market is looking for in a product/service. Research, designing, developing the marketing mix, product testing and implementing the marketing plan are the main steps the marketing team works on. However, its not that simple. Along these steps there are uncontrollable factors like competition, economic situation, government policies and much more that can affect your strategies. For example, just before your product launch a competitor may come up with the same product or something even better. Suddenly inflation may hit the consumer so bad that your market looses interest in your product temporarily.
With the digital age, products enter and leave the market so quickly! However, there are some ads that leave a lasting impact on your mind. What ads do you like? I simply love the following ads for their amazing style and the way one can relate to them:
Kitkat – Take a Break
The bench looking like Kitkat bars and the board saying, “Have a break” is simply amazing! Its says it all! You don’t need any explanation. Such simple ads displayed in a clever manner can have such a lasting impact on its target market.
7Up TV Ad
I simply love this one! It literally brought tears to my eyes because when I was young and I had a similar incident, I was extremely worried what my father would say. Though, I had a very loving father, I was upset that I have disappointed him. To my surprise he shared stories of how he had worse accidents and wrecked cars when he was my age!
The ad has such great character, softness and affection. The father played by Asif Raza Mir is so heart-touching. He doesn’t say a single word but his smile and his pouring the drink for his son says it all! And the background song, “dil thora khaali tha, bhar gaya” fits perfectly!
Shan Masala Eid Ad
The latest ad by Shan Masala for Eid is a great effort to appreciate daughter-in-laws. It shows how supporting each other in personal and professional life can be so beneficial. Shan has been promoting these new ideas for a long time where the main theme is that cooking is not one person’s job. In fact they are encouraging families to help working women in the kitchen. If women can work outside the house along their husbands, then husbands and other family members can also partner with them in household chores.
(1) Shan Masala New Eid Ad / Sajjal Waqar – YouTube
So what ad got your attention? Which ad made you cry? Share your favorite ads with us!

Educationist, researcher, writer and a passionate learner from Islamabad. She has been working as a freelance writer for more than 10 years now. From academic to content writing. Finally, she is doing what she loves; writing for education. You can reach her at editors@educations.pk