Category: News & Updates

A special mobile application has been made available to applicants to streamline the pension providing procedure.

The PUTA is almost on the brink of boycotting classes as a response to the prolonged non-payment of salaries to the teachers.

In the course of educating the learners, the dynamics between teachers and students and their positive relationship holds immense importance.

The article addresses the challenges of unemployment and underemployment and importance of technical and vocational education.

This article delves into the state of teacher training and development in Pakistani schools, highlighting the current landscape and challenges

This article delves into the progress and hurdles that Pakistan faces in its journey towards educational reform.

Discover the heart-wrenching struggles of Gaza's students during wartime & understand the challenges & unwavering hope that keeps them going.

Explore the effects of smog on the education sector and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges it poses to the education sector.

Hashoo Foundation, well known for its impactful initiatives focused on fostering an equitable and inclusive society, proudly launches its Alumni Network following the immense success of its alumni’s.

Civil Society asked Government for Their Meaningful Participation at Policy Level for sustainable development and achieving SDGs by 2030