Why are so many children still on the road and not in schools?
Well here is some information about schools working for children who cannot afford to get educated or are being forced to leave school due to poverty or some other domestic issue. Please inform people around you who need such help.
The Citizen Foundation
The Citizen Foundation is a non-profit organization which was established in 1995. It aims at bringing a positive social change via education. Today it is amongst the leading organizations in Pakistan as a professionally managed foundation serving the less privileged part of society. It provides purpose-built schools in urban slums and rural areas of Pakistan.
Address: Plot No. 20, Sector – 14, Near Brookes Chowrangi, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi 74900, Pakistan
Phone: +92-21-111-823-823
Email: info@tcf.org.pk
Fax: +92-21-35113460
Website: https://www.tcf.org.pk/
Care Foundation
Care Foundation was founded in 1988 striving to provide quality education to all. It wishes to empower children and equip them with education and skills to build a productive nation. In its own words, “Education reduces poverty, boosts economic growth, encourages gender equality, and fosters peace”.
Address: 21 Waris Road, Lahore, Pakistan
Phone: +92-42-37429245
Email: info@carepakistan.org
Website: http://carepakistan.org/
Mashal Model School
The school is educating more than 860 children aged between three and eighteen years. It helps children who have suffered different traumatic experiences and provides them with a sense of trust and dignity enabling them to lead a normal life.
Address: Mashal Model School, Mohalla Luss, Nur Pur Shahan, Bari Imam, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: +92-300-5504641 +92-333-5937417
Email: mashalmodel@yahoo.com
Website: www.mashalschool.com/sponsor.html
Child Care Foundation
The Child Care Foundation of Pakistan was set up in 1996. It works in collaboration with the government, NGOs, Trade Unions, UN Bodies, Donor Agencies and private organizations in order to eliminate child labor in the country.
Address: A-6-A-E, 105, New Super Town, Defence Main Boulevard, Lahore, Pakistan
Phone: +92-42-3662-1031+92-42-3662-1031
Email: ccf@nexlinx.net.pk
Website: http://www.ccfp.org.pk/
UNICEF is an internationally known organization working to promote education in many developing nations like Pakistan. Its purpose is to reduce the number of girls not going to school by 30% and to promote education that is of high quality and child-friendly.
Representative: Aida Girma-Melaku
Post: P.O.Box 1063
Phone: +92-51-2097880 +92-51-8317700
Fax: +92-51-2097799
Chief Field Office: Cristina Brugiolo
Post: P.O.Box 2023
Phone: +92-21-4549525-28
Fax: +92-21-4549529
Chief Field Office: Douglas G. Higgins
Phone: +92-42-35316802-6
Chief Field Office: David Igulu
Post: P.O.Box 284
Phone: +92-81-2838996, 2839144, 2832005, 2832291
Fax: +92-81-2838058
Chief Field Office: Charles Nzuki
Post: P.O. Box 476
Phone: +92-91-5701311-15
Fax: +92-91-5701301
Email: https://www.unicef.org/pakistan/partners_1786.html
As a society we are so immured to seeing kids on the road selling things or begging us to clear our cars or simply asking for money. It has become a norm and therefore it does not really bother us. Another issue is we prefer minding our own businesses. Concern for others is considered interfering in their lives. We must realize that these children also deserve the best of education which will eventually lead to better lives, better living and food. A society where there are so many different sects and where children are divided into groups based on race, color, financial status and class, can never unite. Let us try to minimize these distances. If you know a child who needs help, offer them this information. If you can educate a servant’s child, do it yourself or ask your child to tutor him/her. Make your children understand the importance of giving and reward them for their contribution in order to encourage them.